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In any project, Remington wants to be a one-stop company that can complete any environmental task at hand.  We encompass the capabilities and knowledge of injections, construction activities, combined remedial activities, site assessments, surface restoration and much more. Please click any box below to view a more in-depth look for the service listed.

Remedial Characterization

In every project conducted by Remington, at least one aspect of site assessment is utilized. With this said Remington has an extensive background involving environmental site assessments.

Remedial Injection

Remedial injection was Remington's starting foundation. The knowledge and experience is paramount. 

Remedial Construction

Parallel to injection, construction activities have been a top tier service for Remington longer than a decade. 

Combined Remedial

Combined remedial 

Surface Restoration

Surface restoration 

Remedial Characterization

Bench Scale Testing


With initial guidance from the Colorado School of Mines, Environmental Science and Engineering Division, Remington has built a unique laboratory designed to test the effectiveness of any remedial material on soil and groundwater samples collected from a prospective site.


In conducting hundreds of tests we have developed protocol that minimizes spurious data and provides definitive answers for the determination of the most effective remedial compounds. We also run a financial model on the final data set to determine the most cost effective material.


After conducting hundreds of these tests, several trends have been detected that can help guide the final injection design, including using different remedial materials as the project advances. Mr. Taylor has presented some of these results to several consultants and at seminars and trade shows.

Remington has also conducted numerous soil treatment bench scale tests and have established the best oxidizer combinations for crude oil, condensate, GRO, DRO and BTEX. In order to minimize costs, we have learned that the combination of thin-spread volatilization and ISCO are highly synergistic. Therefore, for soil treatment we have developed a process whereby the treatment soil is thin spread in 1-foot lifts and treated with our unique remediation onsite treatment oxidizer rig. 

Site Characterization


Since 2001, Remington Technologies has provided drilling services for the engineering and environmental consulting community to assist with remedial characterization of subsurface impacts to soil and groundwater.
Utilizing the Geoprobe 7822DT track mounted drill rig, we have the tools to support direct push, solid stem auger, and hollow stem auger drilling.  So, if you need soil, water or vapor sampling, or monitoring wells or extraction wells installed, we have the expertise to support your characterization and remediation implementation project safely, correctly, and on budget.
Our clients include many of the leading environmental engineering firms, consultants, general contractors and petroleum companies in the United States.

Services Include:

  • Direct push drilling & sampling (soil, water, and vapor)

  • Soil vapor point installation

  • Groundwater monitoring/extraction well installation

  • Well development

  • Subsurface utility clearance (pot-holing)

  • Hand auger soil sampling

Remedial Characterizaton

Remedial Injection

Remington was founded in 2001 as a remedial injection contractor. At that time, the technology potential was high but the actual process was less well developed. The company's early years were dedicated to developing new application techniques and bench scale testing of remedial materials. Since that time, the company has injected a wide variety of remedial materials in almost every kind of subsurface material. The lessons learned over this 16 year span translate into the most effective injectate distribution possible.

Full Scale

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Once the injection design is finalized, a successful full scale injection requires experienced personnel and the right equipment. All of our injection equipment is custom designed based on our 16 years of injection experience. The injection trucks are completely enclosed and self-contained. They are also weatherproofed and include secondary containment to prevent fluid leakage on site. We have injected as much as 400,000 gallons of fluid at a site in a single event. However, most sites entail the injection of far less material. Regardless, we have completed injections at hundreds of sites, all with no lost time accidents. In fact, our OSHA rating is the lowest in the business.

Pilot Testing

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Regardless of the remedial material selected, the efficient distribution of the material in the subsurface is often the limiting factor that determines success or failure. Therefore, on-site pilot tests can be used to determine the best subsurface tooling and injection protocol. During a pilot test, injectates can be injected at high flow/low flow, high pressure/low pressure, auger/packer or geoprobe rods, etc. The information gleaned from a pilot test injection event can be critical to the injection design at large sites or where there are variable and/or problematic stratigraphic conditions.  Typically, a pilot test is designed to determine the following parameters:

  • The radius of influence from each injection point

  • The volume of injectate that can be injected into each injection point with surfacing

  • The maximum down-hole pressure that can be used without surfacing

  • The character of the subsurface in terms of vertical/lateral permeability

  • The existence and character of access issues

  • The impact of utilities in establishing an injection grid

Remedial Injection

Remedial Construction


Often, sites require the use of multiple remedial approaches throughout the life of a project. These requirements may include an active remedial system such as Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), Air Sparging (AS), Dual Phase Extraction (DPE), Remedial Material Infiltration Systems (RMIS), Pump and Treat (P & T), Enhanced Bio-Remediation or In-Situ Permeable Reactive Barriers. 

Remington has performed the construction and installation of hundreds of remediation system technologies and can coordinate and conduct all facets of remediation system installation activities. This includes the acquisition of all necessary local and state permits for construction, the installation of associated wells and subsurface piping, and the installation of system components such as air strippers, regenerative blowers, air compressors, and carbon treatment units as turnkey site-specific systems.

Soil Excavation & Removal, In-Situ / Ex-Situ Enhanced Treatment & Soil Mixing

Source area impacts are often of high concentration, near the surface and not amenable to In-Situ treatment technologies. In these cases, Remington utilizes our highly experienced equipment operators and excavation equipment to physically remove the highly impacted materials. The excavated material can then be transported off-site or treated Ex-Situ onsite.  In many cases the exposed water table is backfilled with COGAC™ or other remedial material. 

Soil contaminated with volatile organic compounds are difficult to treat. Remington offers soil mixing services. When mixing soils, Remington infuses the soils with strong remedial materials. This technology rapidly reduces concentrations. This service has been successful in allowing Remington to quickly analyze excavated subsurface materials that have been treated. After treatment, the materials are then available as backfill material saving our clients time and money.


Recovery Trench Installation, UST Removal, Containment Pond Construction and Site Demolition and Abandonment

As clients remedial requirements diversify, Remington is ready. Our technical and construction experience with recovery trench installations, UST removals, containment pond construction, site demolition and abandonment enables us to manage and complete all aspects of these remediation projects. 

Remedial Construction

Combined Remedial Technologies


For every site that requires remediation, there is rarely only one approach that will solve the problem.  To efficiently and cost effectively remediate a site combining technologies will often provide synergistic benefits to the timeline and cost. Remington approaches every site to solve the problem offering efficient and customizable solutions tackling remaining source zones and impacted soil or groundwater.

Combined technologies that provide synergistic Include:

  • Excavation combined with insitu treatment

  • Insitu injections combined with mDPE

  • Air sparge/SVE combined with insitu injections

  • Insitu chemical oxidation and aerobic bio-remediation

For highly contaminated source zones, physical removal is rapid and effective and can be combined with chemical reagents in the sub surface. For less contaminated plumes we use our other technologies to optimize the results and minimize the resources used.  When used together, our combined remedies are effective and sustainable.

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Combined Remedial Technologies

Surface Restoration

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Reclamation of sites can include everything from a corner gas station to an oil field site in a farm field to a former refinery in an industrial area, repurposing a closed facility to residential or recreational use.  Remington has supported projects that have ranged from characterization to revegetation to repurposing. Like many things we do, success in reclamation starts with understanding project and client goals and customizing the project to exceed expectations.

  • Site characterization 

  • Surface grading

  • Revegetation

  • Remediation

  • Sediment and erosion control

Surface Restoraton
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