Large Industrial Facility, Insitu Remediation
BTEX, Chlorobenzene, & Chlorinated COCs
Indiana, USA
A large-scale bench scale test was conducted to determine what remedial compound would work best across a broad range of constituents of concern (COCs) including, but not limited to, BTEX, Chlorobenzene, Chlorinated Solvents, Tetrahydrofuran, and Diethyl Ether. Of the eight remedial compounds tested, COGAC™ was determined to be the best at reducing all the COCs on average.
There were two separate plumes and the source area which was located under the primary facility structure. In the source area, access to the plume was limited. A total of 50-injection wells and 20-vacuum wells were constructed across the three treatment areas. The injection/extraction intervals ranged from 60 to 90 feet bgs.
A total of 58,800 pounds of COGAC™ was introduced into the aquifer via the injection wells. Approximately 20,000 gallons of groundwater was extracted to facilitate distribution in the subsurface. Remington’s proprietary water bleed well injection system was utilized to maintain low down-hole pressure in the injection wells.
In the two plume treatment areas, total COC concentrations were reduced more than 90%. In the source area, the massive adsorbed phase contaminant mass combined with restricted access resulted in a reduction of 95% to 40%, depending on the compound. These reductions allowed for MNA at the site due to reduced risk to the site receptors.